We live in an innovative and technological era. Children have access to the Internet, tabloids, magazines, and television shows. Many children are influenced by the actions of celebrities. However, the actions displayed by certain celebrities are not behavior most parents want their children exposed to, and some of these stars are young adults that have been seen on Disney and Nickelodeon. Although most of these troubled celebrities eventually seek help, they often leave a permanent mark on children. Celebrities can influence children to be extremely thin, abuse drugs and harmful substances, and engage in irresponsible sexual behavior. Here are 8 Hollywood celebrities that parents would never want around their children.
Photo by JustinBieberDay.cl
1. Justin Bieber
The young millionaire has made many of today’s youth swoon at one point in his career. In 2012, Bieber was ranked third on Forbes most powerful celebrity list. However, his personal choices would make any parent weary of wanting their children around, or influenced, by the young musician. He has openly abused drugs and alcohol, and he has been involved in criminal activity. Bieber had a night at a Miami strip club, where he was seen smoking marijuana. That night the musician spent $75,000 in lap dances at the strip club. He was arrested two days later for drag racing a rented Lamborghini, and the incident resulted in Bieber facing a DUI charge. Bieber was also caught for throwing eggs at a neighbor’s home, and the musician caused $20,000 worth of vandalism damage to the neighbor’s home. Bieber could face more trouble for failing to appear at a court-ordered deposition. It is obvious that parents would not want their children around Justin Bieber.
Photo by IancaKerolyne
2. Lindsey Lohan
Everyone remembers the sweet lead role in Disney’s Parent Trap, but the innocent girl has grown to be a negative influence on children. The actress has been charged multiple times with DUI’s. The star has been in and out of rehabilitation facilities since 2007. Although she was not charged, the actress was involved in a hit and run incident in Manhattan. Lohan was also arrest for shoplifting a necklace. The actress has also been photographed, in public, without underwear on multiple occasions. Although the actress has recently sworn she is through with bad behavior, her past has shown otherwise. This actress is obviously someone parents would not want their children around.
Photo by Cumberbatchedx89
3. Paris Hilton
The young celebrity has been arrested for smoking marijuana in three continents. She has also faced many DUI charges, and was even involved in a hit and run accident. There was a South Park television episode, Stupid Spoiled Whore, which focused on Paris Hilton’s bad influence on children. In 2006, Paris Hilton was arrested for driving under the influence, and was sentenced to 45 days in jail because she violated her probation. There is also the sex tape Hilton made when she was 20, in 2001. The tape went viral in 2003, and the heiress was quoted many times just before the tape was released stating that young women should abstain from sex. The string of bad behavior displayed over many years, by the heiress, make her a person parents wound want far away from their children.
Photo by AmandaHaddoxPhotography
4. Charlie Sheen
The actor has faced drug abuse problems for many years. Sheen has also had problems with soliciting prostitution in the past. The actor has been involved in a series of domestic abuse incidents with several of his former partners. In 1990 the actor shot his fiancé in the arm, and their relationship ended soon after the incident. The actor was also arrested for assaulting his former wife, Brooke Mueller in 2009. In 2011 Mueller was granted an emergency restraining order against Sheen, and was ordered to stay 100 yards away from his wife and twin sons. This pattern of abusive behavior make him a person that parents would never want around their young ones.
Photo by celebritiesplas
5. Farrah Abraham
This celebrity was first seen on 16 and Pregnant, and since she has been known for her bad behavior. The young mother has displayed irresponsible parenting skills on many occasions. The founders of 16 and Pregnant, MTV, cut Abraham from the show because they thought she was a bad role model for teenagers. The star has also received numerous plastic surgery procedures, and most of the procedures were done while she was still a teenager. Abraham sold her sex tape, Farrah Superstar Backdoor Teen, to Vivid Entertainment for $1.5 million. Through her actions, Abraham’s has shown society that she is not someone parents would want around their children.
Photo by kaka.0098
6. Amanda Bynes
The former Nickelodeon star has displayed a series of bad behavior for several years. She was arrested for hitting a police car while driving under the influence in 2012. That same year she was lost her driver’s license after apparently leaving the scene of two hit and run accidents. Bynes has also been arrested for reckless endangerment, possession of marijuana, and tampering with evidence. Bynes has recently posted inappropriate pictures to social media networks, which sends a negative message to young girls. The behavior Bynes has shown have make her a Hollywood celebrity that parents would never let around their children.
Photo by brittany.potenza
7. Miley Cyrus
The sweet days of Hannah Montana are long gone for Miley Cyrus. The actress used to be a popular role model, and her television show Hannah Montana was a Disney favorite for many children. However, times have changed for the young singer and actress. Miley Cyrus was voted worst celebrity influence two years in a row by parents in an AOL poll, which targets children ages 9 to 15 years old. She is also known to reference the drug ecstasy, or molly, in her songs. She has been linked to drug and alcohol abuse, and there is speculation Cyrus was a bad influence on Demi Lovato. The concern many parents have displayed toward Miley Cyrus are warranted, and she would not be someone parents would want around their kids.
Photo by Eva Rinaldi Celebrity and Live Music Photographer
8. Chris Brown
The singer has reported his bi-polar disorder is the reason for his bad behavior. Aside from alcohol and drug abuse problems, the singer also has been known for violent behavior toward others. In 2009 the singer was arrested for assaulting Rhianna, which was his girlfriend at the time of the incident. In 2013 Brown was arrested for physically assaulting a man outside a bar in Washington D.C. If Brown’s bi-polar disorder is causing this behavior, then it is good that he is taking measures to correct his situation. He is a negative influence on children, and parents would want their children to stay away from the young singer.
These Hollywood celebrities are obviously bad role models on children. If celebrities understood the negative impact they can have on children, would they still display bad judgment and behavior? Part of the blame is on the media, because they often put emphasis on celebrities when they display bad behavior. Although parents are not able to completely shield their children from negative celebrity behavior, they can fight the negative impact by tracking the celebrities their children follow. With the amount of negative influence Hollywood celebrities have on children, how can they continue to behave in this manner?