Photo by concertblast
You’d think they’d learn from each other’s mistakes.
Alas, such is not the case. Whether it’s the pressure of keeping up appearances, being hounded by paparazzi, or just being a jerk, celebrities just can’t seem to say no to an impulsory moment of rageaholicism. Let’s take a look at eight cases of celebrities losing their glitter in the eyes of an unsuspecting public.
1. Meat Loaf
Undoubtedly one of pop music’s most enduring treasures, Mr. Loaf showed his sweeter side on a very special episode of Celebrity Apprentice, when the 67-year-old music legend went full-on berserker over some stolen paints. The target of his Loafdom’s ire? Gary Busey. Meat Loaf unleashed a tsunami of profanity in a red-faced, spit-flying tirade on his co-star, to the unbridled horror of onlookers, who honestly looked like they didn’t know whether to duck or run. What else can we say about this, other than it’s truly a sad day when you can make Gary Busey look like the sane one in the room?
Photo by thequeen12352
2. Chris Brown
In 2009, the swaggering star of stage and screen beat-up his then-girlfriend, Rihanna, during a domestic squabble that started out as your normal, everyday, two-superstars-screaming-bloody-murder-at-each-other-after-midnight disagreement. Brown, then 20, went into crisis control mode, hiring an emergency PR team and issuing a statement that said, in part, that he was sorry. Nothing screams sincerity like a carefully-worded statement from a team of cold professionals assembled at the last minute, now, does it? Rhianna, bless her soul, didn’t fall for it and filed for a restraining order against her abuser. In 2012, after Brown had three years to soul-search, he flipped out once again when Good Morning America’s Robin Roberts questioned him about the incident. Later on in his dressing room, Brown threw a butt-hurt tantrum, broke a window, tore off his shirt, and left the building. In 2013, Brown, apparently unsettled by the fact that he wasn’t looking enough like a violent psychopath, attacked a photographer and wound up in jail.
Photo by Ma_Co2013
3. Mel Gibson
How to ruin your stellar Hollywood career in three easy lessons: 1) Drive drunk, get pulled over, curse out your officer, throw in some stuff about the Jews taking over the world. 2) Leave an angry message with your ex, saying you hope she gets raped by… insert your favorite racial slur. And 3) Say something derogatory about homosexuals or Jews or both in just about every interview you give thereafter. We haven’t heard much from the potty-mouthed star behind Braveheart, and this may be a good thing. But we’re waiting, Mel. We know you won’t let us down.
Photo by yausser
4. Alec Baldwin
Who knew Alec Baldwin’s ten-minute scene in Glengarry Glen Ross was a mirror of his real-life personality? Whether it’s wining Father Of The Year for calling his 14-year-old daughter a fat pig, screaming at airline attendants for telling him to shut off his cell phone like the rest of us mere mortals, or screaming anti-gay remarks at photographers, There seems to be no end to the increasingly gray and grizzled Baldwin’s ability to keep us entertained.
Photo by [the] Printer
5. Christian Bale
In regards to his familial troubles, a publicist for the 40-year-old Bale was quoted as saying the actor “felt like he was being treated like a child”. What better way to prove that than screaming obscenities at your mother and sister in the lobby of an upscale London hotel? A year later, the brooding Batman star who can’t seem to work out his anger issues through his craft but instead needs to let them have their sway at inappropriate times, unleashed a 38-F-bomb-per-minute rant on a lowly Director of Photography on the set of Terminator: Salvation. We anxiously await the Dark Knight’s next incident, perhaps one involving throwing his dinner across the room at the prospect of not getting dessert unless he finishes his broccoli?
Photo by babyacenet
6. Teresa Giudice
It’s positively fascinating to watch Teresa Giudice get angry. The Real Housewives star and felon undergoes a startling metamorphosis not unlike Bruce Banner. The eyes widen, the mouth contorts, the voice rises to somewhere between car crash and Pterodactyl screech, and tables get flipped. If you haven’t seen an episode of the Real Housewives of New Jersey, there’s simply no describing the cringe-inducing moments of Teresa’s rage as it escalates in stunning increments.
Photo by Jolly Hollywood
7. Danielle Staub
Teresa Giudice’s Lex Luthor. Or Joker. Or Scarecrow. However you want to see it, Staub is the perfect counterpoint to Giudice’s tirades, exhibiting a capacity for rage the size of a missile silo. Just take a look at the RHONJ second season episode where the typical New Jersey housewife and sometime pornstar matches venom-spitting with co-stars Giudice and Jacqueline Laurita, before hightailing it out of there – perhaps she’s wider than we think.
Photo by Unification France
8. Russell Crowe
In 2005, General Meridius himself was staying in a hotel in new York. Upset that he couldn’t complete an outgoing long-distance phone call, Crowe went down to complain the man at the hotel’s front desk. By complain, we mean throw a phone at the bewildered employee’s head. Crowe said later on that this incident was “possibly the most shameful situation that I’ve ever gotten myself in”, apparently forgetting about his much-publicized brawls with businessmen, producers, and random folks in hotels.